Navidea Biopharmaceuticals: Why This Small Firm’s Stock Skyrocketed

Navidea Biopharmaceuticals Stock Soared

Navidea Biopharmaceuticals (NAVB) stock price jumped from $1.27 to $3.04 this morning. The reason for the stock’s soaring, according to the firm’s press release, was that interim data from a trial have further corroborated Navidea’s hypotheses that Tc99m tilmanocept imaging can provide robust, quantitative imaging in healthy controls as well as in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Furthermore, this imaging can provide an early indicator of treatment efficacy in patients with active RA.

The NAV3-31 Phase 2B trial titled “Evaluation of the Precision and Sensitivity of Tilmanocept Uptake Value (TUV) on Tc99m Tilmanocept Planar Imaging” has three arms:

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