Tag: GSK plc (GSK)

Prohost Letter #376

Prohost Letter #376

Prohost Letter #376 WHILE LOOKING AT THE BIOTECHS SCIENTIFIC FUNDAMENTALS We keep an eye on other factors That influence the stocks Investors who pick their stocks based on the firms’ solid scientific fundamentals, technological capabilities and pipeline products’ promises are mostly long-termers. They usually keep the stock they meticulously picked until they reach the goals that motivated them to pick it in the first place. …
Prohost Letter #375 Part 1

Prohost Letter #375 Part 1

Prohost Letter #375 Part 1 BIOTECHNOLOGY: THE BEGINNING OF A NEW ERA STATE- OF-THE-ART APPROACHES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC AND DEADLY DISEASES ARE IN HUMAN CLINICAL TRIALS We are encouraged by some novel treatments for chronic diseases and cancer and we are optimistic about results coming from their early- and late-phase trials. Picking advanced therapeutics is the magic word Sesame in the formula “Open Sesame”, which, …